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Work In Progress

Howdy, you might notice a lot of change. After some complications with WordPress on my previous host and Cloudflare, I opted to choose a new host and try out slimmer blog software.

I’m currently working on migrating posts/pages over and making things presentable. Bear with me.

Setting up Grocy on Caddy with Let’s Encrypt Support


My wife loves organization and asked for a system to manage grocery inventory management. As the husband sysadmin, it is my sworn duty to oblige (after all, it’s lots of fun!). However, I learned there’s no Grocy setup guides with Caddy. This guide seeks to help those who were in my shoes and be quite reproducible.

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A Preface

A couple months ago, I had an idea to write a book on the dirty laundry that us Orthodox Christians have lingering around - mostly in part to vent my concerns on paper. I don’t know if I’ll ever get started on it, whether it will even see fruition, but I thought it’d be worth sharing the preface I had written for it.

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Tag(s): books, writings

Navigating the Schism as a Layman

Christ is born!

It has been a bit over a year since most turbulent parts of the schism over Ukraine occurred. The ship that is the Orthodox Church is finally in some quieter waters, but we are certainly still in dangerous territory. Various hierarchs have been making their decisions to commemorate the new Ukrainian metropolitan, rocking the boat and leading to further hostilities amongst our bishops.

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Where I Am Now

Greetings, everyone. It’s been a while.

As you might’ve read or noticed, these past few years have been all over the place. I won’t get into details too greatly like my usual blog posts, because they will no longer be my usual blog posts. What I can say though, is that I’m doing better. Not much better, but better nonetheless.

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